Friday, 19 October 2012

Canyons and Red Sandstone ...

This years trip to the USA was really special.Our centre was the town of Flagstaff some 7000 feet up on a plateau which made for a great place to take in all the delights of the Arizona countryside. Anyone who thought Arizona was all desert should spend some time here and get a whole new perspective on the place.

After a very long flight and 3 airports later we arrived at our house in Flagstaff which was large and airy and only a stones throw from the airport which made a nice change ( usually have had to travel hours to our accommodation in the past ) After a good ole breakfast at The Place we got the local info and headed out to some of the locations for painting.

Sunset Crater and the magnificent outline of the Sanfranciso Peaks were our first port of call and then we drove on round the 'loop' to paint at the pueblo ruins at Wupatki. Our next trip down the Oak Creek Canyon to Sedona was an absolute marvel.Snaking our way down this canyon presented us with breathtaking views at every turn.After lunching at Sedona we made our way to the Cathedral peak group of bluffs which is a famous landmark in the area. After a recce of the area we set up our easels under the shade of some trees and did this sketch of the rocks.

Our BIG trip was to the South rim of the Grand Canyon which we joined on the eastern edge and then made our way west. Well what can I say !!!!! it was truely AWESOME !! There were a few clouds about which laid some lovely shadows over the canyon and made the whole experience very exhilarating.. I was here in 1980 but it was still a big thrill to take in this VAST landscape once again.

Our last outing took us to a small town out on Route 66 with its own 'Grand Canyon Railway'. The old loco parked up on a siding was too good to miss so I sketched it in the heat of the midday sun... and I got roasted !

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