This Spring's trip to the Finca proved to be extra exciting ! After a few days to get to grips with a few techniques we set off to the coast for a few days, travelling westwards towards Gibralta and beyond.
Lunchtime and we stopped off for a drink and a bite to eat at the Hurricane Hotel and boy was it well named. There was a really fierce wind blowing but that didn't stop me dashing off a quick sketch of the beach area even though I had to tie my sketchbook down to stop it flying away !
We had now left the warm waters of the Med and were now on the Atlantic Coast.
Travelling further up the west coast of Spain towards Cadiz we stopped off at the small resort of Zahara de los Atunes where we stayed the night.
Doing a sketch atop a large sand dune I was almost sandblasted by the time I had finished.
Next morning we set off inland to Medina Sidonia, a small viilage named after the Admiral of the Armada. After a very pleasant mornings painting we headed back to the Finca through some really stunning scenery. Must get to paint some of these scenes one day !!
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